Bandhon Nonwoven Bag

Nonwoven Bags

Non woven Bags

Bandhon Non Woven Bag are offering an impeccable range of actively best and finest quality printed non-woven bags. We have these bags available in D cut, Lamination bag, Lider bag, W cut and Loop Handle bags in a plethora of colors, the bags we offer are recyclable as per the prevailing market trends and our non-woven bags are eco-friendly. Our bags are very popular because they are reusable and 100% cotton spunlace non-woven bags, they can be printed with more beautiful patterns and advertisements than plastic bags. Our non-woven fibers have elasticity, increased absorbency, improved washability, and bacterial protection. Nonwoven fabrics are manufactured to improve specific properties such as liquid resistance, impact resistance, flame retardancy, electrical insulation, and thermal insulation.


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